Sketch of "Eros Bendato" Sculpture at Citygarden
6" x 9" (15 x 23 cm)
Pigma Micron pen and Pitt Artist Brush Pens in Aquabee 808 Super Deluxe Sketchbook
©2010 Steve Penberthy
This sculpture, titled "Eros Bendato" is by artist Igor Mitoraj
artist bio

I did some urban sketching at the
Citygarden in downtown St. Louis. Citygarden is a new urban sculpture park featuring stunning modernistic works of art placed among the meandering walkways. Citygarden features elements of water, stone, architecture, and design, and is a true jewel of art in St. Louis. This was my first visit to Citygarden; I met there to sketch with other St. Louis artists as part of the St. Louis Drawing and Painting meetup group.

The day was overcast, a little breezy, and the high temperature only got up to around 60F. However, the sun peeked out a few times which helped to warm things slightly. Prior to braving a chilly afternoon of sketching, my wife and I had lunch at The Terrace View cafe, adjacent to Citygarden; the food was excellent with an equally inventive menu. When in downtown St. Louis, make Citygarden part of your plans.